In Organization Manager > Settings > Email there is an option to add Unit Fee with explanation for members. Is this Unit Fee only applied to youth members? How does the unit get the money back from National?
@shigadeyo = please contact your council about this.
That is just informative. Supposedly it’ll get notified to the unit. It does not get collected. I’ve never seen that messaging in action though so I’ve never seen it work, I just know the setting is there and what it supposedly does.
I’m afraid to set it since I don’t know what the message says or looks like. I would want a preview displayed to know.
This is from the Online Registration Unit Guidebook:
Unit Fee Message – only the national registration fee, Boys’ Life subscription fee, and a local
council fee (if applicable) is collected through the online payment system. This configuration
allows units to inform applicants that the unit has an activity fee, the amount of the fee, and a
message about what the fee covers. This message will be sent on the invitation when sent
through Invitation Manger.