In Organization Manager, then Settings, there was previously a checkbox for “Unit will pay for renewal applications”. That’s not there anymore. Was this a deliberate change?
@ThomasHemr - that is a question for your local council
Is that because my local council can control whether this checkbox is available to all units?
@ThomasHemr - basically it is that nobody on the forums would have an answer as we are volunteers here
Yeah I was looking around for that the other day - having remembered it - your council can get a national answer
I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else can see the checkbox, because it was previously there, and is mentioned in many of the training materials (example below). If it’s gone for everyone, I will need to revise the instructions that I’m sending out to all the units in my council.
I think I just found the answer in another forum. The answer there said:
"National removed that setting. It was not working as intended and was confusing.
We highly encourage members to use the self-pay to renew. If a unit funds their adult registrations, we suggest you transfer unit funds to the member via a bank app like Zelle or write them a check.
Units may, however, renew members and pay for them. This option is available, and you do not need a setting in Organization Manager to allow it. Both self/family pay and unit pay are available."
Thank you for posting this to raise awareness. Very helpful. All too often in this discussion forum, actual discussion and communications between volunteers is prematurely cut off.
I’ve been trying to find the answer to this question (even after speaking to out “higher-ups”) for the last couple of months.
As the COR and Treasuer for our Pack, I greatly appreciate the change they implemented for Membership and Unit Renewals.
THANK YOU again, Thomas, for the update you found!
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