Parent approval of advancement; marking leader approved

  1. I had opened up one of the two MBs and deselected it, so that one is showing my approval, but the other one still shows the parent as approver.

08214? really? that is BSA #?

It’s there but it truncated it. 136208214

She is committee member of the Crew - so this is not a bug

The crew is not part of the Troop nor in the same district. So as a committee member of a non-related crew, she can still approve merit badges? I am not familiar with how a crew works with regard to advancement so just trying to understand. And I wasn’t aware of her position with a crew other than a SM of a troop.

Venturers that have already earned First Class - can continue working the Scouts BSA Program within their crew (or Sea Scout Ship) until they are 18 - even earning Eagle from crew - so SB is working as designed.

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Thanks for your help. Was not aware of her involvement in a crew. Only knew she was a SM of another unit.

One way I’ve seen this handled is actively coordinating between the two units so that each unit knows what the scout is being signed off for and why. That minimizes double-counting of the same event/activity when different people are signing-off. I’ve used the noted field to do this, since those are visible to anyone who can view the scout’s advancement data (e.g. another unit scouter).

Cub Scouts still has this issue on Scoutbook. Are there plans to resolve this? We tell all parents, but there are always a few that still click the box.


The COVID exception for Cub Scouts allowing parents to approve advancement is still in effect. Unless the BSA changes this, Scoutbook will not be changed.