Parent Looking up Leader Contact Info

Expected behavior:
I’m a parent; I expect to be able to pull up register leaders (assistant den master) email and/or phone numbers. When pulling up the Pack Roster (Scoutbook), I expect to be able to click on their names to get their profile page or contact info;

Actual behavior - I do not have that option. I did eventually find that you could select “show contact info” from the gear box in the leaders window, but this is not intuitive especially for new parents.

What are you suggesting would be more intuitive? There are also users that don’t want to waste the space for contact info every time they pull up the roster. Balancing the needs of the many is the challenge in this.

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I expected to be able to either click on the person’s name to be taken to their profile or have the click pull up their info in a window I can copy/paste from.

That’s a pattern you find in many locations including learning more about you or me in this forum.

We can make that suggestion for the new Scoutbook Plus interface. I don’t see a development effort getting approved for the legacy Scoutbook interface. At the end of the day, we make suggestions, but do not know if they will take the suggestion or maybe they have a completely different idea for the new interface.