Several parents have reported that they can view the full information for every scout in the Troop in Scoutbook Plus - name, address, grade, phone, advancement status. In a discussion they expressed discomfort that everyone has this kind of access to their scout. This has just come up so I am wondering if they can see more in Scoutbook Plus than they did in Scoutbook? Is “View Profile” the default access for all parents? Is there a way to turn this off except by unchecking the connection for every parent X every scout? I am Unit Leader/Admin so I can’t “see” what they are seeing.
@ConstanceF - are these parents also registered leaders. I seem to recall that if they were just parents they had no visual to the unit roster only their own child in scoutbook plus. Have you seen this first hand ?
Scoutbook + is not finished for Troops - that is why we say continue to use Legacy Scoutbook
At least one was not a registered adult. But the others were in a Unit Reserve position with no unit responsibilities.
I can’t see it first hand because I am an Admin so my view is different, but they all accessed this info in real time during a Committee Meeting - one had discovered it and others tried too. I tried to reset the Unit Scouter access in “Permissions by Position”. It spun and said it was updating hundred of connections but when refreshed access had not changed.
Nonetheless, when they go to re-register their scout it takes them into Scoutbook Plus - also the calendar function re-directs there, so of course they look around. Are you saying this will get fixed when we move all the way to Scoutbook Plus? We can set connections and access levels appropriately?
Connections will Take a MAJOR update from what Legacy does when completed
When I log into Scoutbook Plus from a parent account, I have no access to rosters or anything else that would show me scout names other than my own scout. What is the bsa member number of the non-registered individual? What path did they take?
Have you checked the SB Connections of the users?
@ConstanceF - to be clear, membership renewal is at and not
@ConstanceF - when logged into sb+ as a parent account these are my only options:
They went to and found themselves in the roster - we were doing a presentation on re-registration and this was reported to the group and others started trying. I understand they weren’t “supposed” to be there, but they managed to click around and get there.
Update, last night I went into legacy Scoutbook and removed the parent connections (to other scouts) through “Permissions by Position” function in Scoutbook (unchecked the View Profile box). It has removed access to scouts by non-parent, non-registered adults for the moment when I look at scout connections in Scoutbook.
Do those connection changes carry over to Scoutbook Plus access?
However the default permission for parents in the Permissions by Position function has now reverted to View Profile, even after I unchecked it last night. See screenshot. So I am not sure these permissions will hold.
I am encouraged that you are saying parents should not have access to scouts other than their own. Thanks for your responses.
@ConstanceF - well is not related to scoutbook plus nor scoutbook, so access there is outside of controls in SB or SB+ so it would seem that somehow the sites were conflated to sb+. Beyond that it takes a bit of digging to get to the roster in especially if you have multiple roles there.
I believe this is related – my Unit Fundraising Chair in the Troop cannot email parents – she only sees registered adults. At the Troop level, I made sure that only the Scoutmaster, Unit Advancement and myself (CC and COR) would have full access so as not to compromise the integrity of advancement. How can I get her access but only to email both parents and Scouts for fundraising?
@ShariAlexander - in scoutbook classic - go to the unit roster then look for connection manager and click on that then where that person is listed on the left side click on them and set the permissions to view profile and that should help.
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