Parent name misspelled in Scoutbook/Internet Advancement

A new scout parent was entered into Scoutbook/Internet Advancement with her first name uncapitalized. Can you fix that? The member ID is 140254204.

Jennifer Bell
Scoutmaster, Troop 12G

@JenniferBell3 that is an issue to talk to council about

I thought so, but our registrar fixed the error on his end a month ago and it still hasn’t been fixed in Scoutbook. Hmmm

Yep he did? now fixed

@JenniferBell3 tell your person that is what VST is there for to force it to change

If the parent sees it looks correct in their internet advancement profile, they can edit and save without making any changes, and that will force a sync to scoutbook.

Thank you, Jacob. I didn’t think individuals had the ability to change their names but, after reading your message, I tried once more to see if I could change my name in my Internet Advancement profile and figured out how to do it. When I first go to my profile in Internet Advancement my name is greyed out and uneditable, BUT, if I click on Profile in the lefthand menu, all of a sudden my name turns black and I can edit it. Voila!

Thank you for helping me find my way to an answer.

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