Parents entering Camping or Service Logs - no bueno

I have read through the history of why Parents were given “Full Control”. I understand. I also understand that Scoutbook adequately handles this for rank and merit badges, by providing the “Needs Approval” report and function. This is fine. But the problem is for Camping and Service log data entry, and it’s causing confusion. With a large troop, you have type A parents who will enter this data, trying to do “the right thing” for their son, but it may not be appropriate, will likely be redundant data, or not approved by a Scoutmaster at all. If approval functionality is not feasible in the short term, AT LEAST can we get an audit stamp showing WHO and WHEN the log record was entered? This already exists in many other parts of the system. That will give our data team the ability to understand what is going on!


I agree. We have some parents who are not on SB, and never will be. If we only have parents or eventually Scouts do this, we penalize those scouts whose parents do not do this (we have ongoing and annual Troop awards for both camping and service). If our data team puts info in, they have to double check each Scout to see if their parent added something (may have used a different event name). Not such a big deal with 10 Scouts, we have 80+, and do multiple things per month. It’s been a real pain since the change, and untold hours of rechecking.

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