Payment Log Report - Den Rank

In the Payment log report, it only shows the Den number value, it doesn’t show the level of the den.

On my payment log report, it just shows the den’s as “1”. If I set the

Please add the Den level as well (Lion, Wold, Bear…)


If I edit the Den and set the “Number” value to be Arrow Of Light, it shows on the report. If I were to do the same for the Lions Den; instead of a 1, set it to “Lion 1”. It would show Lion 1 on the report, but then the name in the rest of scoutbook would show as “Lion Den Lion 1”


@PhilipJones - our pack has for years used a unique number for each den to avoid such confusion. The numbers do cycle back but usually long after the last den with that number is a part of history.

We have requested this change to the Payment Log Report.

However, I also recommend having your Pack Committee assign a unique den number to each den. This number stays with the den as the den moves up each year to the next den level. And Webelos Scouts can choose their own unique den name.

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