Paypal fees not consistent

Since the new year, some of the Scout payments made on Scoutbooks via Paypal are not always being charged the fees, and so the fees have to be added to the Scout account after payment received. Again, this is NOT happening on all accounts. Payments were made by 5 families this past week and 2 families did not pay the fees, but 3 did. I am unsure how this is possible?
I should add that I have seen earlier posts in 2023 and 2024 reporting this same issue, but I do not see that there has been a resolution. Are other units then manually posting the Paypal fees to the Scout account after the payment is received?

AS an update, the issue is happening with adults use the Scoutbook App. Paypal fees are not being added to their payments. As previously mentioned, I did see this brought up in posts over the last year, but clearly it is still an issue. Is there someway to get the Scoutbook app functioning properly to apply the fees to the family?

OK that detail helps - let us look at it

@RoseStone what are the MIDs (BSA#) of Scouts with messed up payments - and what are event names - just need a few examples