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A family recently made a payment via the PayPal integration, but the fees weren’t charged to them; they were taken out of the unit’s monies. We are setup to “Charge PayPal Fees to Youth/Adult” in Scoutbook.
Payment made in the Scouting App via Paypal integration. Reference PaymentLogID: 3355558 Amount: 114 Paypal Payment ID: 9PY19287TX3982748 Create time: 2024-05-16T03:26:05Z
@JeremyGinsberg Are you saying it withdrew money from your unit’s bank account instead of depositing? Or are you saying the balances reflected in the scoutbook payment logs got messed up?
Correct @DonovanMcNeil. The balance due on the Scout Account was $114.00. When using the UI within Scoutbook, it should have added ~$4.47 to his bill put it instead had the unit absorb that cost.
I just had another one come through - Payment made in the Scouting App via Paypal integration. Reference PaymentLogID: 3355559 Amount: 56 Paypal Payment ID: 450282252R9672246 Create time: 2024-05-16T14:44:09Z
The family needed to pay $56.00 and was only charged $56 via PayPal. They should have had another ~$2.44 add to their bill via PayPal.
Besides my opinion that it is dangerous for units to use paypal as they can and do just freeze your money - their ever changing systems is why I do not like the integration. We have reported it in - we do not know if or when it will be corrected.
While I don’t disagree, Scoutbook has provided this option to units, and it does help in collecting money from families. This isn’t about one’s opinion, but if functionality is going to be provided, it needs to be supported. This is now causing us as a unit to either absorb these fees or ask parents to pay the fees, which has created more work and confusion than has simplified this process.
If it isn’t working, it should be shut off to stop future issues / concerns.
Since my initial post, I have had one more family make a payment using the PayPal button. I have not made any changes, resaved settings, etc. However, this payment was processed properly.
Payment made in Scoutbook via Paypal integration. Amount: 126.92 PayPal Fees: 4.92 PayPal Payment ID: 90X52604WB149884T Create time: 5/17/2024 8:36:17 PM
PayPal Fee charged to payment made in Scoutbook via Paypal integration. Amount: 126.92 PayPal Fees: 4.92 PayPal Payment ID: 90X52604WB149884T Create time: 5/17/2024 8:36:18 PM
At least it’s doing something. I started trying to integrate in the paypal payments yesterday and so far I see no activity with paypal but Scoutbook returns no errors and the paypal transaction logs in scoutbook can’t be deleted! So now my individual payment log is wrong and the troop payment log is also wrong since they both account for a transaction that never happened and can’t be undone in Scoutbook. Is there any fix to this or do I need to just give up trying to do PayPal integration right now?
@BrettBoren - our units did not use the paypal integration especially since they are being a pain about the entity validation. They want tax bills, credit card bills… etc to validate that we exist.
Ok, PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
It’s very important when setting up the paypal credentials for Scoutbook to use, to set that up under the Live toggle just like it said in the instructions. I missed that step and left it on sandbox so it only pretended to do the transaction. Suggest Scoutbook really emphasize the Live-Sandbox toggle be set correctly.