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My troop is encountering three issues with the permission slips feature in the Scoutbook Plus Calendar:
the permission slip button does not work for any of the parents. When they click on it, nothing happens
I am able to download permission slips for the entire troop, but not just one slip for my own child
the file that I am able to download seems to be a damaged PDF file. I’m able to open it, but it refuses to print. I’ve tried using multiple versions of Acrobat, printing to several different printers, and I get the same result – an error message saying that the document can’t be printed. The only (poor) workaround I’ve found is to save the file as a JPEG and then print that, but the resolution is pretty horrible.
Are others experiencing these issues? Is there a solution? Thanks!
I was just trying to print from Acrobat (two different versions). After your question, I tried printing from my browser, and it worked fine. So Acrobat thinks there’s something wrong with the file, but Chrome is okay with it, which is very strange. I also tried “printing” the file (using Chrome) to another PDF, and that file was fine and could be printed normally from Acrobat.
This doesn’t address the other two issues, which were that (1) parents couldn’t download the permission slip (clicking on the button did nothing), and (2) as Scoutmaster, I can download the entire bundle of permission slips, but I can’t download just the one slip I need for my own child (it’s obviously included in the large bundle and I can go to that page and just print it – from Chrome but not Acrobat, but I believe previously I had the option to either download my own Scout’s slip or download the slips for the entire Troop).