Permissions - can a treasurer be given view permissions but not edit permissions?

Our pack treasurer needs to be able to contact scouts and their parents, and doing it through Scoutbook would be very helpful, but I don’t necessarily want him to have full admin control. Is it possible to give him permissions where he can view contact information for everyone in the pack (currently he can only see his own child), but not edit/delete/etc. scout records? I tried looking here: Granting Roles and Permissions in Scoutbook (SB) - Scoutbook Knowledge Base, but didn’t see anything like that.

View Profile permissions will provide, IIRC, the ability to email the unit families. However, Full Control is necessary, IIRC, to access the reports and payment logs.

There are a number of requests in for more a granular permissions structure, but it’s presently in the backlog somewhere, likely due to the complexity of reworking the code base to accommodate changes to the structure.

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If I go into his profile, I have an “Edit Profile” option, but nothing in there allows me to change his permissions. The pack doesn’t currently use Scoutbook for payments, as we’ve just recently moved to Scoutbook from another program, so he doesn’t require full admin control. I can give him full admin control, but I don’t really want to as he barely functions inside Scoutbook and I don’t want him deleting things, etc. by accident.

If you’re a unit admin, go to My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster → Connection Manager (scroll all the way to the bottom). It could take a bit to load for larger units. Click on the treasurer’s name in the Connection Manager, which should bring up a dialog box with the various permissions settings. Choose View Profile (which may or may not also fire View Advancement), then apply it. It should reset the treasurer’s permissions to everyone except his own scout, which will remain Full Control, per BSA requirements.

Thanks! That did it. It did set the permissions for his own scout to View also, but that should be an easy fix.

That’s not supposed to be possible. I recommend verifying that the Treasurer is connected to his scout as a Parent/Guardian via My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster → Scout’s name, and look in the top area where the parents’ names appear.

Click on the treasurer’s name and make sure it shows a connection as a Parent/Guardian, and click the “Update” button at the bottom. That should refresh the connection, in case it’s disappeared behind the scenes.

That’s what I wondered. I don’t remember his scout’s name, so I’ve emailed him to find out. I will take these steps once I’ve got a name. Thanks!

Keep in mind, if your unit wants to use the Scoutbook Payment Log, the treasurer must have Full Control connections to all Scouts.

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Yes. We may move to that eventually, just not right at this moment. Thanks.

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