I guess this is a resurrection of this issue: Adding Tenderfoot (or Second Class or First Class) advancement to meeting causes it to hang
So… is it safe to say that this is a ‘feature’ that will never be fixed?
When I click on the Individual rank in the event, a box does pops up at the bottom of the page that says
“Complete at Event
Home Assignments”
accompanied by the loading spinning wheel of death.
there is an existing story for this - we do not know when it will be worked on
Do you have a link to that one? So I can follow it.
story means it is on the developers board is all
Oh, ok. Thanks for the update.
November 16, 2019, 4:04pm
If a feature doesn’t actually work, can we please just remove it until it does?
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Removing a feature takes development time too. Sometimes as much as fixing it.
November 24, 2019, 1:41am
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