Printing Individual Scout Activity Report

How do I print an individual scout activity report. Seems like the only option I have is the whole troop not an individual scout.

In Scoutbook or Internet Advancement, select the Scout and go to the Scout’s Internet Advancement profile page.

Under the “Activity Logs” section, you should see an option to Run Report. Select “Activity Log Report”, and it will be just for that Scout.

Thanks, I went to the link and pressed the “run report” link but it does not do anything… i however get a white bar right under the link when i click the link but do not see any option to show the report.


Can you try an incognito or private browsing window?

I actually get the same thing, unless I’m viewing the profile for my Son which works fine.

In Scoutbook I’m a Unit Admin, but in IA2 I’m just a committee member, so I think it has to do with differing permissions between the 2 interfaces. I can see some things in IA2, but can’t really do much.

Did not make a difference. Any other ideas?

What position/role do you have in Scoutbook and IA/my.scouting?

I am the administrator for ScoutBook, I think I am also the admin for IA but not sure… I do know that at one time… last summer I was able to print out individual reports for the scouts in my troop. I am not able to print them out now, even for my own son.

Paul Frenken

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