Why can't admins generate a detailed report like parents can?

Pretty much the subject. The Run Report button never works for admins, but it does for parents. We like putting details about summer camps on Eagle CoH pamphlets, but none of the admin generated reports are granular enough, and the irony of it is most inactive parents have no idea these reports even exist.
Thank you!

Which reports are you referring to?

The Run Report button right under the summary of Hikes, Camps nights and Service hours on the scout profile page. It’s the only one i’m aware of that produces an actual detailed report for everything.

@TonyMorev in Internet Advancement go in and Check the Scouts you want > click Run Report > Select Scout History Report - I think that is what you are looking for

I think he’s referring to the Activity Log Report, but for individual Scouts.

thank you for the suggestio, but that option produces a summary report, not the detailed report i’m looking for

You’re correct Jennifer, only the option inside the profile is able to produce a detailed activities report and it only works for parents. When i click on it as an admin it shows a blank bar below and nothing happens.

In Scoutbook, on the Troop page you can click “Troop Reports” → “Activity Log Report” which takes you to an Internet Advancement like report that will output all activities for all scouts.

Not sure why this isn’t included in the IA Roster pull-down.

Are you a Key 3 (or delegate) in IA? I’m not, but I am a Scoutbook admin, and I’ve noticed that the permissions in IA can sometimes be wonky if you’re not a K3. The blank “run report” box on individual scout pages (except for my son) seems to be one of them. I’ve also found that I can add activities, but they’re not auto approved.

Awesome! That’s the closest thing so far. A shame i can’t run it just for one scout, but good enough to work with. Thanks!

I’m not sure either, but you can access the Activity Log Report by clicking on “Reports” (on the left) and clicking on the “Reports” tab.

@TonyMorev I think the issue is with your permissions. Internet Advancement looks primarily to the registered positions and functional roles at my.scouting. You should have access if you are:

  • troop Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.)
  • Key 3 Delegate
  • Unit Advancement Chair

If you are just a Troop Admin in Scoutbook, your access might sometimes be a bit wonky.

For me that tab is blank, I suspect for the reason you mention. While I’m a Troop Admin in Scoutbook, I’m only an ASM in IA. Another example of wonkiness, I can access the OA Eligibility report through Scoutbook, but not IA.

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