In May or June I advanced our pack’s dens. It all seemed to work out and everything is functional except for our den 6, which last year was Wolves and now should be Bears. They are labeled as Bear Den 6, but under “position” in IA it says “Wolf member” for each of them. When I try to input advancement earned at day camp, it works for the other dens, but there is no way for these cubs to have Bear adventures recorded. I’ll keep poking around, but I don’t want to mess things up worse.
@KatherineHunt1 - how did you advance the dens
In looking at your roster via one of the DB tools the SUAC has access to, it does not appear you Wolf Den was advanced to Bear as none of your Scouts are appearing as Bear Scouts on the roster.
I went into Internet Advancement and followed the instructions given on the BSA sites. I started with the old Bear den and used the settings to advance them to Webelos. I did the same for each group going down. The only one with an issue is the old Wolves, now Bears.
What is the den number for the den that is supposed to be the bear den? What is the first and last initial of a couple Scouts in this den?
It’s Den 6. The first three Cubs in it are A.G., A.C, and A.S
I did advance them and the name changed from “Wolf Den 6” to “Bear Den 6.” If I attempt to advance them again, it says they will be advanced to Webelos (which I’m obviously not ready to do, yet!)
This appears to be an Internet Advancement issue. Their records in the DB do show them in Bear Den 6. Since it may take time to get this fixed, I recommend going to Scoutbook and recording their advancement via it. Scoutbook and IA share the same DB so you will not lose any data.
I was trying to record their advancement in Scoutbook and it will not let me. For now I’ll keep the records separately from the BSA systems. What do I need to do to get this fixed?
We have already notified the developers.
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