Pulling camping nights from cub scouts into a troop


How do I see my son’s history of camping from the cub scouts? It seems to have disappeared after the joined the troop.

Thank You!


I checked the database, your son’s pack did not record any camping, hiking or service for your son.

I’m advancement chair for our troop. Can you see any from the other boys?


We would need the BSA Member IDs (no names) for other Scouts you would like us to check.

Mindy, there is an award in Scouts called the National Outdoor Activity award. There is also a medal that can be earned for that. There is an Arron on Scouting article where the guy who wrote the NOA award states that all activities in Scouts count; Pack, Troop and Venturing/Exploring all count towards it.
So, I went through and figured out what we did in Cubs and included that in my records. I had to check with a few folks from the Pack to do so. I made a big multi-tab spread sheet that tallied all that my son did so that I could make sure he was awarded what he earned.
That award is probably the only reason to want to keep track of what was done in Pack once a kid goes to Scouts.

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