Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) processing
Version 2021-08-03-A DRAFT
For current description of Scoutbook MBC processing see Knowledge Base help page at
- Merit Badge Counselor Automatic Upload to Scoutbook (SB) | Scoutbook Knowledge Base ( - updated 2021-02-02
Scoutbook New Features - 2020-09-21
per September 21, 2020 Scoutbook Updates - Merit Badge Counselors
- Merit Badge Counselors
- Merit Badge Counselors are now imported from ScoutNET. Units no longer have the ability to add or remove Merit Badge Counselors. When a Merit Badge Counselor is added to ScoutNET by the Council, the position will be pushed to Scoutbook within 48 hours.
- For Councils that have not uploaded a Merit Badge Counselor list, the MBC can add or remove merit badges they counsel.
- For Councils that have uploaded a Merit Badge Counselor list, the list of merit badges an MBC counsels remains locked. The list can be updated either by the council adding or removing Merit Badges in ScoutNET or the council uploading a new Merit Badge Counselor list.
- The MBC upload file must still begin with <council_number>_mbc but may have any legal file name characters after mbc and before .csv. Note: the file format has changed. Review the FAQ and instructions on the Manage MBC List page for details.
General MBC Information
In addition to the path to Eagle Scout, some other BSA program use merit badge requirements, for example in the Sea Scouts BSA path to Quartermaster.
- Take note of these 11 key changes in the 2021 Guide to Advancement, August 2, 2021, by Bryan Wendel
- Alternatives to merit badge ‘blue cards’ allowed
- More guidance given on what to do when merit badge requirements change
- Guide to Advancement, 33088.pdf (, 96 pages
- A Guide for Merit Badge Counseling - 512-065.pdf (, 512-065, 2018 Printing
- Merit Badges Requirements | Boy Scouts of America ( - The requirements posted here are the most current, accurate, and official. This will always be the best place to find the most up-to-date requirements.
Scoutbook Information
- Merit Badge Counselor Automatic Upload to Scoutbook (SB) | Scoutbook Knowledge Base ( - updated 2021-02-02
- Council Merit Badge Counselor Upload Instructions (SB) | Scoutbook Knowledge Base ( - NOTE: These instructions are for Council Scoutbook Administrators … All merit badge counselors now come into Scoutbook automatically from ScoutNET. It is highly recommended that you (the council) place all approved merit badges that a counselor can counsel into ScoutNET as well, if you do, they will automatically come into Scoutbook and you will not have to do anything after uploading the file once.
- Scoutbook Merit Badge Counselor Guide (SB) | Scoutbook Knowledge Base ( - Updated 2020-09-25
- September 21, 2020 Scoutbook Updates - Merit Badge Counselors - Scoutbook / Scoutbook Change Log - Scouting Forums
- How do I assign merit badge counselors to a Scout? (SB) | Scoutbook Knowledge Base (