Removing Unregistered Merit Badge Counselors From Scoutbook (Thread for questions)

All registered merit badge counselors in your council are already in Scoutbook. So on the 1st only the unregistered counselors will be removed. Looking at your council that is just a handful of people. So if you are registered with your council as a merit badge counselor, you should be good.

I am registered MB counselor and expiration date is 01/31/2021. I registered in july 2020. Should I reregister every year or will it be renewed by default. Please let me know so I can address the registration.

The best person to coordinate with about this is your merit badge contact/coordinator at council. They can generally tell you what the process is for your area.

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Scoutbook was a great way for me as a SM and admin person to see easily my MBC and easily assign them. With this being removed from SB, is there a report or easy way for me to see my list of adults and the MB they are set up for. It was real easy to select them and not have to do a search each time This is a great lost if not.

this statement “(Unit leaders: At the bottom of the unit page in Scoutbook your council should appear. If your council uploaded the list, that should appear below the council name.)”. here is my unit page. does this mean that my list has not been uploaded yet or am I looking at the wrong place

@EdwardFleeson - I think you may be misunderstanding the purpose of thread title. ONLY unregistered merit badge counselors are being removed not ALL and certainly not the functions you are concerned about. And it does not appear that your council uploaded the list. You should however still be able to search for and connect counselors.


The only thing happening is that unregistered merit badge counselors are being removed. If your folks are registered as merit badge counselors with your council, you should be good.
You will always be able to see who in your troop is a merit badge counselor by going to your Troop Roster, clicking on Print Roster and selecting merit badge counselors.
The rest of the merit badge counseling features are remaining.

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If you look at your troop roster prior to the change, the only MBs that will be removed are those with green check marks to the left of the MB name. Any with blue check marks to the left of the MB name have been validated by the Council either by uploading an MBC list or, in the case of your council, by recording the MBs in ScoutNET.

Hi William,

Can you explain why there are two methods of MBC management in ScoutBook. (1) via CSV file and (2) via ScoutNet? It seems like only ScoutNet should be the option and I am confused what is the “MASTER” in those two options.

Also, if a CSV file was uploaded last year and is no longer being uploaded with changes when does ScoutNet take over management of the list? What forces the reconciliation between the CSV upload and ScoutNet? Is there a reconciliation process and how is it completed?

Thank you,


That is what we recommend, just manage everything in ScoutNet and don’t worry about it. Some councils though have decided to assign badges separately (usually in excel sheets) from ScoutNet. If they do that, we provide a way for them to upload those assignments.

Currently and ongoing, if a council makes a change for a MBC in ScoutNET, within 48 hours that change is reflected in Scoutbook. So, if a council doesn’t upload the list, then effectively, you are managing from ScoutNET whether they know it or not.

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Can you tell me what my Council has been doing?

2nd question is still unclear. Scenario = I was uploaded for (5) merit badges via CSV file, (2) years ago. I stopped being a merit badge counselor for the (5) merit badges (1) year ago, when does it remove my approved status in ScoutBook if I do not submit a MBC change request document? Is there a “hard stop” or “MBC expiration date” for the MBC list if I continue in scouting for another 10 years?

Also, as a key (3) member is there a way to export the entire council MBC list in ScoutBook?

Best if you ask your council this question. From our side we would only be guessing.

Going forward (after the 1st) When the council ends a merit badge in ScoutNET or takes it out of the file it uploads, the badge will be removed from your association. This will be true for everyone in Scoutbook. As far as how long you are kept on the MBC list your council maintains, please contact your council. Many councils automatically renew MBCs.

Not at this time. We have been asked by a number of councils not to provide this functionality since it leads to ‘stale’ lists floating around.

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Thank you for explaining things to me. I really appreciate your help.

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Hope this isn’t too late. Our Registrar worked hard trying to sort things out on the Scoutnet side and didn’t find the duplicates/orphans from Scoutbook.

See attached Excel Spreadsheet


I removed your spreadsheet since it contains personal information. I have captured it so the SUAC can investigate.

Thanks, Ed. I did not intend to send it to the forum but rather to Bill Nelson who fixed the duplicate problems described in the spreadsheet.

Thanks for all that you do!

Just FYI: One thing I have noticed is that a LOT of listings are now of MBCs with no MBs.

For example, if I search for ALL merit badge counselors within 5 miles of my zip code, I get

  1. Some MBCs that are “blue checkmarks” for their merit badges.

  2. MOST of the MBCs have NO MBs listed.

This is going to be something. See everyone on the other side of 9PM CST!

Contact your council.
The merit badge counselors need to be registered in ScoutNET to get the blue check mark. The badges they are approved for can be put in ScoutNET (what we recommend) or the council can upload the MBs the counselors are approved for. If they need assistance, they can work with me if needed (they can send an email to )

Bill Nelson, Scoutbook User Advisory Council

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