Report Builder "Show Header on Each PDF Page" option stopped working

Header only shows on first page but not on subsequent pages (there is only an empty gap). I have saved PDF reports from a month ago that still have headers on all pages so at some point it stopped working within the last month.

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I think this should be fixed later today if you can check @JamesMayled

I posted to fast - will be later in evening

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The headers on each page have been restored but now the icons are not being rendered on the PDF export:

@JamesMayled what icons? I cannot reproduce this - post the URL

All icons (i.e. “Awarded”, “Leader Ap/Recorded”, etc) only on the pdf export (HTML renders normally):

What I used to see:

What I’m seeing now:

@DonovanMcNeil - I see the same result on my pc at work… just on the pdf

PDF in Acrobat is fine for me??

@DonovanMcNeil - interesting… this is my result from acrobat reader:

Will need to do this at home

@Stephen_Hornak send me the pdf

@DonovanMcNeil - hit me with a dm and I can hopefully drop it there

Broken Icons should be fixed @JamesMayled

@DonovanMcNeil - verified … it is fixed…the beauty of the IA stack

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