RSVP report sorting issues/not alphabetical

Regarding the RSVP report:

The report is sorting the attendees by patrol, then by name. I would prefer for the the names on the report to be alphabetical by last name as they used to be a few/several months ago. (Our Troop is very large and I do not know who is in which patrol.)

Additionally, I did run the RSVP report as a CSV so that I could sort by the name column, BUT the name column is one field, so it then sorts them by first name which is even more counterproductive than the way it is currently sorting.

Can these changes please be implemented? Either sort by last name automatically, or make first and last name separate fields so I can sort by last name.

Thank you.

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You can do some Excel magic to break up the Scout names into First and Last, but I agree this report could be more flexible and I think your proposals are good ideas.

We have asked the developers to investigate the sort order and to make sure that all csvs always split first, middle and last names into separate columns.


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