Sandbox for training

I know there have been many requests for a sandbox style training demo site. For whatever reason there has not been any movement on this. Possibility an easier Way would be to give each council a set of empty units(pack, troop, crew, ship). Turn off sync and give admin access to the 3 council admins. I do All the training in my council and don’t like using my unit. I also am a little lost with denleader questions on the new features as I am not a pack admin so haven’t played with them

Ron Fedele


A sandbox is currently being designed and worked on. We will be able to let people know more about it in the coming weeks.


I received a little more information I can share:

  • Sandbox should be weeks away, not months (unless they run into issues in QA testing)
  • Initial release will be for Den Leader Experience
  • Scoutbook will be next

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