Sandbox/Fake Data for Training?

Hello, I’m trying to make training videos for my leaders in my unit and my district, and to do Scoutbook training as part of our district roundtables.

Right now the only account I can access for Scoutbook Plus is my own with real data. I can’t really use that for our livestreamed roundtables, since it’s personal information of a bunch of parents and kids.

I can get to the Scoutbook sandbox, and from there into Scoutbook Plus but the Scoutbook Plus account linked from there is just a parent and can’t actually do any of the things I need to show leaders how to do in that system, and the calendar doesn’t seem to be working in any case.

How does everyone else do this sort of thing? I’m assuming I’m not the only one out here trying to help volunteers learn how to use the new system.


We have been told there is no plan for a Scoutbook Plus sandbox. If you feel this is important, you will need to work with your Council staff to get a member care ticket opened.

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How likely is it that sending a ticket to national is going to result in a sandbox being developed and deployed in a timely manner? I’m happy to do it, but I’d really rather find a solution that will allow me to help other volunteers sooner than later.

Can we build our own Scoutbook unit populated with fake data or something? I’m open to creative ideas, just wondering what others have done in this situation.


Scoutbook Plus relies on registrations in the BSA member database so you cannot produce a “fake” unit or “fake” scouts.

Getting Councils to advocate for a Scoutbook Plus sandbox is the only way to make such a sandbox a reality.

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