New Scout 137292002 deleted by mistake unable to get it back. Any particular process?
This scout seems good in Scoutbook?
The Scout appears to be on the troop roster, but not in a patrol.
If the Scout is supposed to be assigned to a patrol, then I would recommend going to the patrol page in Scoutbook and use the “Reassign Scout(s)” button to move her into the patrol.
Scoutbook indicates the following: xxxxxx has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.
SB shows: xxxxx has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.
@HiramRodriguez Try this:
- Go to the Scout’s Membership page in Scoutbook.
- Click on her current membership with her patrol.
- Uncheck the box next to “position approved”.
- Click Update.
- Then check the box next to “position approved”.
- Click Update.
Then go to the Scout’s main page and see if the error message has gone away.
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