Accidentally Deleted Scout - Now What? PLEASE HELP!

I was trying to a move a Scout between patrols. Started moving too fast and deleted him somehow (BSA# 129467118). He is not on my connections and I can’t see him on Scoutbook (legacy). I can see his account on my Scoutbook Plus roster, but when I click on his name the merit badges and rank info panel is missing. To make matters worse I then tried to “add” a scoiut, searched and now there are two scouts, same name, only one with a BSA # (missing the MB info etc) and the other saying he needs to register.

What can I do? He is supposed to go to the Eagle BOR in about 3 weeks and I am fearful I really screwed something up.


@MarkCorbett I setup an overnight sync to get the scout back into Troop - ONLY USE REASSIGN from patrol page to move scouts internally.

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