Scout Life flag in Internet Advancement does not reflect Recharter subscription election

We had some adds and drops for Scout Life magazine during recharter.

How often/(when) is the Subscription flag updated?

Scouts who paid for SL subscription during recharter are getting the
"Hey, it seems you don’t have your Scout Life Subscription, [buy it here.] ",
in Internet Advancement Profile, so it causes some churn.

The flag is not tied to anything. It is just there as a way for the unit to indicate who has subscribed to Scouts Life. It must be manually updated by the unit and does not change the actual subscription.

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Which tool is used to update it?

When we click in Internet Advancement IA, it takes us to a website to subscribe…

Hey, it seems you don’t have your Scout Life Subscription, buy it here.

I would recommend removing the flag, as it is an artifact of the old Scoutbook and will probably just cause confusion now.

It’s updated as part of a unit’s recharter process. The charter renewal will default (I think) to whatever each scout was set to the previous year. But it’s up to whomever is renewing the charter to set it for each scout.

Otherwise, you can subscribe on your own on the Scout Life website - but it won’t be tied to your BSA registration.

Personally, I believe Scout Life might get more subscribers if individuals/families could renew their registration (both BSA and Scout Life) individually. (It would certainly save a lot of headaches on the part of unit volunteers). I think many units have simply decided to forgo subscriptions for all their scouts to save money, since they’re the ones who have to pay. But that’s my personal crusade :wink: