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Hello! I’m looking for a little help. This scenario happened to me one other time. I am dual registered in two separate Councils. I re-upped my membership in the non-primary Council and somehow it messed up my Scoutbook.
Primary Member ID: 1384191 (that my scoutbook should be tied to)
Non-Primary Member ID: 8070129
I believe the last time they were able to merge the two accounts or something like that.
The SUAC folks may be able to help reset things, but the issue will continue to recur whenever you renew in the different councils. Scoutbook is only structured to have a single BSA Member ID associated with a given person/account.
The primary council is where I live and am a unit leader with my kids. The non-primary council is where I grew up and still am involved with alumni relations, FOS, OA lodge and camp support, etc. It’s only an hour 20 away, so I can keep connected with things. Am I glutton for punishment? Probably.