I am trying to add events into our Pack calendar on Scoutbook. It will not select any “calendars” that I try to choose from the drop down list and will not let me proceed past this step in order to add the event. Any help?
Well there is no Scoutbook App - are you using a Web short cut?
There is a scoutbook app:
That is the Scouting app for Parents and Scouts - not leaders @scouter11
oh ok. I see what you mean.
Yes, I apologize. I am on my phone, logging onto Scoutbook.scouting.org on my browser. @DonovanMcNeil
If you add an event in Scoutbook.Scouting.Org, it will show up for Scouts in that app. You can’t add events via the Scouting app.
I am trying to add it in Scoutbook, not the scouting app. I have tried on my phone and laptop and it still isn’t working. @Matt.Johnson
What is your role in the unit?
@Matt.Johnson I am the cubmaster for my pack
When you login to Scoutbook, and you go to the calendar, do you have an “add event” button near the bottom?
After that, you can’t put a check next to a calendar, like you said above?
@JillianHerman - I would ask if you were able to do this before or at some point in time?
@Matt.Johnson correct. I go in through that button, it pulls up the list of my pack and all the Dens to select which calendar the event is for, but I cannot select anything on the list. It just blinks and does not select.
@Stephen_Hornak yes, the last event I added this way was about a month ago and it worked just fine.
@JillianHerman - I just tried this morning for the pack, troop and crew and had no issues selecting the calendar I wanted to add an event for.
I have this problem on my phone as well. The secret is to find the right place to click to get the select to trigger. I usually have to try 10+ times to get the click to register. The “right place” is a very narrow band near the edge of each entry. It’s frustrating when you accidently end up selecting the neighboring entry, and then you have to both unselect that one and select the one you originally wanted. I usually just start over…or wait until I can do it on my PC instead.
This issue affects all of the calendar selection lists.
I would echo what @JoeMcKinley has noted. I tend to add events on the pc, mac and never on my phone.
Thank you, guys! I normally do both, but I guess I’ll just use my PC from now on. @JoeMcKinley @Stephen_Hornak
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