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I’m a Den Leader and Committee Chair of our Pack, but when I attempt to add an event to our calendar there is no “Add Event” link. When I click on a calendar date nothing appears to happen. The screen momentarily resets like it’s loading a new page, but it reopens the same calendar view. I’ve followed every set of instructions I can find online about how to add an event, but the buttons or links that should be there aren’t visible.
You have 2 BSA Member IDs, 2 Scoutbook accounts and 2 my.scouting.org IDs.
I can fix this but what I need to know is which my.scouting.org ID you wish to use going forward. One is your e-mail address, the other is your first initial, last name and 2 digit year of birth.
Ah, I wondered if that might be the issue. I was employed by the BSA a few years ago and I don’t think they merged my accounts when I became a leader here in Texas. If you can keep the first initial last name account that would be great. I think the other one is from my old Scouting email.
@LoisJumper I have merged your Scoutbook accounts and your usernames.
You are currently registered as a Lion Den Leader. I would recommend asking the Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) to use the my.scouting Position Manager to change your registered position to Committee Chair.
I would also recommend contacting your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” section, they should make sure that you are listed as parent only under BSA 14295614. They should remove you if listed as parent under any other BSA member ID numbers. Otherwise, your BSA member numbers might get switched at Recharter.