Can not add events in scoutbook

After taking over as Cubmaster, I am trying to add events to our calendar, but it tells me only the key 3 can add events. Scouitbook lists me as Cubmaster, so it should recognize me as a key 3. Is there anyway for me to fix this?

@MatthewGoding - what is your registered position in The position in scoutbook is meaningless if you are not officially registered in

@MatthewGoding I assume you are trying at Make sure the dropdown profile at top right is on your SM position and not parent.

Also try a Shift + Refresh of page

I am a Troop Unit Fundraising Coordinator and cannot add events to the calendar either. I was also made Unit Secretary and Unit Training Chair, and I still cannot add the events to the calendar. Is this an issue of permissions?
Edited to add: I am able to add events to a Pack calendar (that I just left as a leader and Admin). When I open up the calendar to add an event, it will only give me the option to add to the Pack calendar, not the Troop calendar.

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Never mind! Shift Refresh worked!!

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I’m am trying to add events instead of sending messages. I have checked my account, I have done a hard refresh. As far as I can see, I am listed as Cubmadter everywhere. It just won’t let me add events to the calendar.


Do you have your Cubmaster role selected in the upper right of the Internet Advancement window?

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I’m having this same issue, I’m listed as Cubmaster in Scoutbook and My scouting. The drop down in the right lists two options
Cub Scout, Pack 161: FAMILY, Position: Committee Member, (3 more positions/roles) OR
Parent/Guardian, Pack 161, Connection: Daughters Name There is no link to add events to calender


I think the grace period is messing up your account. I need to run this case by BSA IT.

Thank you, any help they can offer is appreciated. I want to start using Scoutbook to track attendance for meetings and events which no one in the previous pack leadership has done. I am finding it difficult to award scouts for stuff due to lack of tracking previously. No service hours have been tracked; no camping nights have been tracked. I know some of these kids should be getting recognition for stuff, but no one has any records other than advancement.


Hopefully IT will fix this sooner but I suspect in your case it will resolve itself on 6/1 since that will be the end of the grace period for your committee member position.

Ok, Thank you so much

I cannot think of any Cub Award but Messenger of Peace or Conservation that rely on logs. None rely on attendance. They go off requirements - hopefully your issue is a simple fix from the new membership system

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