Scoutbook Plus Ranks Pending Approval but None to Approve

On my unit’s Scoutbook Plus Roster page, there are three rank pending approval yet there are no items (ranks) that require approval under the Roster “Pending Approval” tab

  • My Roles: Unit Advancement Chair, Key Three Delegate
  • Scoutbook Troop Recognition Report (with “Include Not-Awarded Regardless of Date Range”) does not show any ranks not awarded.
  • I’ve selected my Unit, and not District or Parent, View for Program/Unit

Any idea on how to resolve?

@JaphetWoolston - that was moved back to scoutbook classic on 12 September. Please look at the needs approval, needs purchasing and needs awarding there.

Removed Features

  • Advancement Report/Purchase Order
    • The Advancement Report and Purchase Order has been removed from Scoutbook Plus. Use Legacy Scoutbook for these reports. These reports will return to Scoutbook Plus when Legacy Scoutbook is fully retired.
      You may want to subscribe to the change log:

I’ve always and continue to use Scoutbook for advancements (Ranks, Merit Badges, and Awards) and our unit is all up to date (no rank advancements require approvals). But the icon still shows three outstanding in Scoutbook Plus that’s why I reported it as a bug. Leftover as it is.


Still use the pending for Activities and the leftover 3 rank advancements in Scoutbook plus give false indications that something needs approval.


@JaphetWoolston - it has been reported several times since the move back to scoutbook classic.

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