Scoutbook - Report for upcoming events

When I send out an event reminder, I can opt to include a list of upcoming events - our parents and scouts really like this. Is there a way to generate this list without attaching it to a reminder for a specific event?

I’ve done this in the messaging interface, and emailed it to the PL so he can pass it along to his patrol.

I am hoping to find a way to do this outside of Scoutbook messaging. It is something I would like to be able to share with people who are not in our Scoutbook account, like prospective scouts or leaders from our linked unit. It seems it basically exists as a report but not something I can generate apart from an event reminder or message.

In that case, I’d send it to myself via Scoutbook messaging, and distribute to the relevant folks via the preferred channel.

I agree that it’s clearly being scraped from the calendar somehow, but I’ve never seen an explicit reporting function to get the data otherwise. You might try the Feature Assistant Extension. @GaryFeutz always seems to have more nifty tools buried in there than I realize.

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The Feature Assistant Extension will let you export a CSV file of your calendar events that you can fold, spindle, and mutilate to your heart’s content.
\My Dashboard\Events\Export Calendar Events to CSV…

It may take a few minutes if you try to export a big date range, but you should be able to export the next month’s worth of events pretty easily.


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