Scoutbook reports for scouts who have not re-registered or have Eagled out

We are in the process of putting together our Eagle Court of Honor for a number of our eagle scouts and so we want to collect some of their data - camp outs, service hours and the like. The issue I am having is that almost all of these boys have eagled out, having turned 18 and have NOT re-registered with the troop. Is it possible to get this information out of Scoutbook? When a scout does not re-register (for any reason), their history appears to be removed (from our access) from Scoutbook. (I am our Scoutbook Admin and key 3 delegate so I could/should have the proper access rights). I have all of their BSA Ids and have attempted to use My Dashboard → Report Menu → Scouts BSA History Report but it reports an error and does not work. Has anyone had luck running reports of for these type of scouts?

You can get a Scouts BSA History Report for any Scout. Go to My Dashboard → Reports then select Scouts BSA History Report. You will need the Scout’s BSA Member ID and last name to access the report.

You may notice that I tried that and it does not work. I also had our scoutmaster try it as another data point. We both get the same error: “Invalid Resource” error. So, in short, that report does not work.

What’s the Scout’s BSA Member ID? We will investigate.

I cannot find ANY one that works. I even tried my own (granted I am not a scout), but no matter what (valid BSA ID) and matching last name in I enter, I get the Invalid Resource error.

I have reported this to the developers.

We have a workaround until this can be fixed by the developers.

Run the Scouts BSA History Report and get the Invalid Resource error. Edit the URL to change SBSBSAHistoryReport to SBBoyScoutIndividualRecord then hit enter to run the report.

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Thanks for sharing this workaround. It helped me get through a timely issue.

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