Scouting forums - How to insert an acronym or non-Engish into a post?

I believe most Scouting forums users are using American English (“en-US”).
The Scouting forum webpage are currently using the more general English language tag “en”

Has anyone found an answer to how to insert an acronym or text written in a non-American English into a Scouting forums post that is not translated by digital language translators?

The Scouting forums (Discourse) input editor says it accepts Markdown, BBCode and HTML. How much of each is not clear. I would expect HTML to be restricted because of security issues.

Bill_W, v. 4, 10/12/2021

Spanish Language Diacritics and HTML Code

The Discourse editor used in the Scouting forums allows some Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) input,

I did find

The above method is tedious. Is there a better way?

This appears to be an older method.

Unicode in HTML 2021

HTML paragraph with link example

At " La Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) " I found in unicode text in double quotes being their journal footer.


HTML table

(Yet to be found)

Unicode to HTML enities conversion

I found a unicode to HTML convertor at

I do not know if it will do what is needed yet.

Related bug report



@Bill_W - I did find this:

Discourse Translator does not appear to improve the multilingual post input issue.

It is an output display feature. It would be nice if BSA would add the plugin, I suspect BSA may need to pay more to use the plugin…

For output the Sam Houston Area Council appears to be using the Google Translator for output at

So it looks like the next step is to investigate what the bilingual input requirements are for the Google Translator.

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