Secondary Unit Awarding Merit Badges and Awards

I have a scout who is dual registered in two units in the same council. My unit is the primary unit. Unit B is able to mark her approved merit badges as awarded. Is there a way to prevent this?
I was under the impression only the primary unit should be awarding and purchasing the awards?
Every 4 months I have to go in and “unaward” merit badges for this scout so we can purchase them because the secondary unit has approved them so they can print their PO for their unit but they don’t purchase all of my scout’s awards…

@KristeRyan - what does the guide to advancement say on the dual registered scout and advancement? The best way to stop that is to NOT be dual registered.

Why would the other unit mark things awarded that they didn’t purchase? There’s no point in adding it to the PO if they aren’t planning on purchasing it. I’d start with a conversation with the other unit.



Having a Scout dual registered requires coordination between the units. There is no BSA policy that says the unit with the paid registration must purchase the awards. In some cases, the unit that approved the award is the one to purchase the award. You need to have a conversation with the leaders of the other unit and come to an agreement as to how to handle this Scout’s awards.

As each situation with dual registered Scouts is unique, the BSA has no plans to add restrictions to Scoutbook to force one unit to purchase the awards for the Scout. Communication is the key here.



Dual Registration. If a Scout has multiple registrations with
units in different councils, advancement records should be
maintained in only one of the units. As the Scout passes
requirements in any other unit, the information should be
relayed to the primary unit so that only one advancement
record is maintained. It is not possible to electronically
consolidate data across different units in different councils.
If advancement records are maintained in multiple units,
then cooperation between the units will be required in
order to generate the reports necessary to report and
obtain the awards

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