Setting up an Account Your Scout Can Use

As the troop committee chair, I have had several parents ask how to set up their scout with their own scoutbook login. There used to be an option in scoutbook for this, but now it seems that scoutbook sends the parents to scoutbook plus, and I don’t see the same options there.

Can someone please show me the new process for parents to create a scoutbook login for their scouts?


Myst Account Setup.pdf (233.0 KB)
@JeffreyHober ok 2 ways -

  1. In Legacy Scoutbook - under Scout page - Under Edit Extended Information - the Parent in Scoutbook (only the parent) will find the old invite system. If they do not see it it probably means the Scout has an account or an email has been applied to the account.

  2. They can use this PDF to make a account - once those credentials are made, that can be used to sign into the Scoutbook Platforms