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I have entered a campout in the troop calendar, and have logged attendance for the event, but the activities log does not show this as camping nights for the scouts. Should this transfer automatically or do I need to be logging this in two places? That seems painful and error-prone.
It is manual now. It should not be automatic - but it should be easier. I should not be fully automatic because there is no way to mark partial attendance - example- camping was 2 nights but they were only there for 1.
That said, the request is in the backlog, so some day it might happen.
Ah, good to know. I will go back and double enter everything. I wonder what the point is of entering attendance in the scoutbook calendar then? Frustrating.
The reasoning is largely historical. The logs and the event attendance evolved separately in Scoutbook prior to the BSA takeover, and were unconnected then for the reason that @GaryFeutz noted: there’s no way to note “partial attendance” at an event. It’s entirely binary. In addition, the calendar events don’t have a way to programmatically enter the information needed for an activity (e.g. miles hiked), so unlinking the two made for easier implementation and maintenance. Not all calendar events have an associated activity log entry (nor do all logged activites necessarily have a calendar entry), so connecting the two isn’t simple.
Mostly, I’ve seen units use attendance in calendar events to track things like meetings, and sometimes for events (to have a real-time reflection of who came vs who signed-up to come). The DLE assigns completion based on attendance for den events, but again demonstrates many of the underlying issues with using “binary” attendance to represent action by the scout. If you mark someone as attending in the DLE, it automatically credits everything scheduled for that meeting to that individual. You can’t only mark part of it completed.