About every 10th click i get a “Whoops! We encountered an error trying to process your request.”
This is happening to me too. I am trying to create a purchase order and I’m not able to view pack reports.
I’m getting this in trying to save an advancement completion.
HTTP POST on resource ‘https://coreapipd.netbsa.org:443/api/advancements/users/12736278/adventure-requirements’ failed: bad request (400).
This is a known issue. The developers are working on a fix. Watch Scoutbook - Scoutbook Plus Change Log - Scouting Forums for an announcement.
I am seeing the same thing on my computer but can get the reports on my mobile device. Will take some coordination in order to be able to send to my council scout shop so another parent can pick up.
Scoutbook Plus Change Log for Dec 12 indicates this problem has been resolved, but I am still getting POST errors when trying to update an individual’s adventure record, and getting a generic error when trying to use Unit Quick Entry. I have cleared browser cache and cookies, and tried two different browsers.
Same, now it’s been happening for 2 days trying to update advancements…
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