Advancement pages extremely slow, and appears to have been for months with ‘BSA IT’ looking into it, I think all of the users deserve a more detailed answer showing some sort of progress on this item. At this point it will take about 4 hours to get through my 8 person troop for advancement updates due to the slowness of the interface.
-I have tried the shift+r refresh
-Multiple browsers and computer OSes and Internet connections
-Cleared old connections
I am not having any problems at the moment.
Are you using Scoutbook? Or Scoutbook Plus?
Scoutbook (scoutbook plus is fine but we enter all of our advancements via scoutbook to keep track of progress).
@DavinHuston so in what actions does it slow down for you?
It is flying for me tonight (compared to many Monday or Tuesday nights) checking on the First Year Patrol.
Rank advancement for individual scouts primarily. Each click in and out is about 20 seconds of loading between requirements. MB entry feels about the same as that.
Reports are generating quickly.
hmmm - ranks are real fluid for me - will be nice when Scouts get to SB+ = just for the individual Quick Entry for Ranks - so you can go in and put 3 things in at once and click save - and not the in and out and in
For merit badge requirement entry, if you click in the white areas, it bring up a date box. Then, any check boxes you click are automatically populated with that date.