Some scouts showing up as "youth member" instead of regular scouts

Hi, Some scouts showing up as “youth member” instead of regular scouts.
We usually have the den chiefs that are classified as youth members. There is one kindergartener, one 3rd grader and one 4th grader that’s showing up as a youth member.
How to fix that?

You can post BSA # and we can look at it

2nd grader- BSA# 14158583,
1st grader - BSA#137410283,
4th grader- BSA#14009211

They all look fine @Roopreet_DoveySawhne

When we try to send a message to the entire pack… they show up in a list with the den chiefs.

Are they assigned to dens in Scoutbook?

Yes! They are in proper dens… but in the message view- instead of showing up in a line with regular scouts, the above 3 show up with den chiefs under title “yoith members”

What do you mean by this? Only scouts who have been invited to connect to their account show up on the list to send to. All scout are listed under their parents.

If under Youth Members that just means the parents have established accounts for them

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Ah!! This makes more sense!

Is there confusion about what a job title is?
My understanding is that a den chief, is also a youth member and a Scout.

All Cub Scouts and Scouts are “youth members” per the application form:

If I remember correctly, the founder of Scouting defined “Scout” as a form of address. I would have to check the Scouting for Boys book to confirm that.

BSA® has been moving towards make tools usable by Scouting most programs.


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