Sorry, reopening "Combine two accounts"

I apologize, I somehow missed replies to the below thread and it was closed
Combine two accounts

I am creating this new thread to reply to the old one.

I would like to keep ******Warrior user name (Member ID: 13846392). I understand difficulties involved with registration as a leader, but it would be great to preserve parent / child “relationships”. This relationship carries on from cub-scouts.

I really appreciate your help and would make sure to check this forum regularly and not miss any replies.


@AlexanderSviridov ok that is fixed - I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children. When they look up your children, they want to check your children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that your children are connected to you as parent with Only your correct BSA member ID number 140843083

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