Stop limiting reminders time contraints

Why can’t I tell people about an event 2 months ahead of time? There is no reason to limit it to 1 month. Similarly why can’t I choose 6 weeks? Limiting weeks to only 1-4 and months to ony 1 is not realistic for scouting purposes. If I have a camping trip in 3.5 months I want to let people know at least 2 months ahead of time so they can block thier calendar. And for some events a notification at 6 weeks is appropriate b/c you might need a head count at the 1 month mark. Please remove this barrier for reminders.

I have the same request. In January we like to send out a note on summer camp prep, so 6 months would be nice. We try to keep everything in that same calendar entry.


We have asked the developers to allow reminders to go out X months before the event. Note there will continue to be a limit of 3 outstanding scheduled reminders.


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