Supernova Approved Requirements, Notes, Images Removed

I mentor a Supernova candidate who completed his requirements on July 29. He submitted his application and we are in the middle of getting signatures.

Today, his completion is down to 30% and all Notes, photos, and marked completions and approvals are removed. It has reverted to only the Adventure pins he’s completed.

Is there any way to restore from July 29?

@DarcyStaley - is it perhaps a version thing ?

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What is the MID of the Scout - and what NOVA award

MID: 13937054

Supernova Webelos

I asked his Mom to add back in her notes and supporting media (photos, videos). I was going to check the forum to see if there is a way to revert to the end of the day July 29. Otherwise, I’ll go back in and try to add the notes I remember from our meetings and get everything re-approved.

Thank you Donovan.

The issue is you had been on the 2018 Supernova but it is now the 2022 nova


There was only one when we were tracking it - what do we do now, since he’d already completed it before it updated?

@DarcyStaley That is a council question - NOVAs are council awards now - they can enter it in the system to record

Okay. Many thanks (again) Donovan!

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