Swim Test Classification question

With Scoutbook Plus, one can do a “Unit Quick Entry” to update the swim test dates and classification of Scouts in a batch. This data also shows on individual profiles and could be edited there. I gather this data (along with Med form dates) is not really tied into Scout advancement (like 2nd or 1st Class swimming requirements).

Is “Troop Admin” required to make batch changes? I had been able to make changes into late May, 2024, but then my troop role changed from Unit Scouter Reserve to ASM and my Pack role changed from CC to Pack Trainer. Wondering if the Key3 checking wasn’t fully baked at the time.

For historical purposes - does Scoutbook Plus keep all the prior dates and swim status (for example, finding out when a Scout first passed the BSA swim test, perhaps as a Cub)?

Anyway, as someone who now administers and checks swim test status for my unit to identify non or beginner swimmers, this report/quick entry is a really efficient mechanism.


@KennethCrannell In SB+ = I believe K3. K3D, or Admin is required for the Swim quick entry. No historical data is kept, it is just over-written, and it does not auto fill reqs.

Thank you for the explanation.

Is there a way to view the swim test date/classification in a report much like anyone can view service hours? I think the Quick Entry data choices make for great quick reports, too (especially swim test reports).

ROSTER Builder can be used to make a report in Scoutbook

That does the trick - thank you.