Swimmer Report updating issues

Is there a known issue related to needing to take time between updating people’s swimmer classification and being able to run the report?

I used “Quick Entry” within the roster to update about 20 people that took a swim test last night in my troop. I did that this morning. Even now I still run the report and it shows the old dates and swimmer classifications for everyone.

@JamesSoltysiak what report are you running? a Custom one?

Under Roster builder, I just have everyone in the troop selected, youth, parents, and leaders. The only other two items checked are “Show swimmer classification” and “Auto-select new scouts”

@JamesSoltysiak let me ask this - the swim date for me appears a line below the name - but the date for the scout above is nearly in line with the first name. Sure you are looking at the right date for right scout?

The date is easy to see for first scout - but in the middle of the chart for me a middle scout the date can be deceiving

@DonovanMcNeil I know about the offset issue. When I ran the report yesterday nobody had the new date. Today when I run the report they are all correct. My bet is there is some amount of sync’ing time in the database, whether it be multiple databases or multiple servers.

Thanks for the help. Luckily it updated before we head out to summer camp tomorrow.

I thought sync too - but I just saw immediate change now. We will see

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