The Quick Entry for Leadership does not end previous positions

When using the Quick Entry for Leadership positions after elections, the action will properly create the new positions but it will not close the previous ones. This requires manual closure on each position in each scout.

Quick Entry for Scout Leadership is part of the Scoutbook Feature Assistant Extension.

It is working as designed. If you want to end leadership positions you need to click the End Position link for each position you want to close. Since Scouts can hold multiple positions in a unit, Quick Entry cannot end previous positions when creating a new one.

Hello Ed,

When entering the leadership positions, I first entered the end dates and clicked “End Position.” This changed the date to “Today,” so I updated the date from today to Wednesday, when the new elections were held. The positions were NOT ended when I clicked “Update.”

This is a bug for me, as it did not work as you described it would. If changing the date breaks the design, then the design is flawed, which again, is a bug.

Yours in Scouting,

Timothy Campbell, ASM T-963

The date used when you click “End Position” is the date in the default date field at the top of the page.

@GaryFeutz will need to address the position not being ended.

I found the issue with this and released a new version today that fixes it.

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