Tools Merit Badge for Tenderfoot

I’m looking for the “Tools” merit badge on and don’t see it. Have the requirements for Tenderfoot changed? Thank you.

There are no merit badges required for tenderfoot in BSA. I’ve also never seen a “Tools Merit badge.”

There is a “Tools” category (relates to a chapter in the Scout Handbook) in the rank requirements, but there is no Tools merit badge.

Merit badges are not required for any of the early ranks (Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class).

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@TodHazlett - where did the idea of a “tools” merit badge come from ?

As everyone else noted, there are no MBs required for Scouts BSA ranks below Star. Are you looking perhaps for the skills/activities information from

There are some items in there related to camp skills, for example here: Meeting Plans & Ideas: CAMPING - Troop Leader Resources, and here: Woods Tools - Troop Program Resources

Your PL/SPL/Scoutmaster should be a good resource on where to find information about these sorts of topics.

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