Troop Forums

I tried searching for an answer, but there are a few of these discussion in various stages from a few months back.

  1. I created a Troop Forum in IA2.0.
  2. I can access that forum, and create posts, etc.
  3. No one else in my Troop can see or access the forum. Both members who are testing with me get “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private”.

How do I get people access?


Does anyone have any insights into this?

I have passed it on to staff that cover it

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Thank you Donovan! Much appreciated.

I submitted a ticket as well: Scoutbook Support Incident SSD-90172

At the request of the support team, please try the following:

  1. Click “Setting” on the Internet Advancement Settings Display.
  2. Scroll to “Unit Settings”.
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of “GO TO PRIVATE UNIT FORUM”.

Please let us know the outcome of that action.

Dan -

I did that last week. The members testing with me still cannot access the forum.

A change was released today. Please try again.

Will do. Will try this evening after everyone gets home from work.

Tony Siciliano
Scoutmaster, Troop 731
Brilliant Beaver, W6-104-15

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