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When accessing the troop forum option from Scoutbook, it looks as though its not automatically logging the user in. This generates an error message. However when I stay on the error page and log in, close the tab, re-enter the troop forum from scoutbook - the connection works.
Not sure if that is a long term solution or temporary but I thought I would share. For a while I thought this was a maintenance glitch.
Hi Jacob, from hamburger- I have 3 options: logout, go to my dash, go to my scouts dash. Poked around, cannot find a settings option. When I click on my troop forum, it takes me to this website. Any guidance appreciated.
It sounds like you are in Scoutbook, not Internet Advancement. Click home, then Internet Advancement, then follow the instructions. You have to be a key 3, key 3 delegate, or advancement chair to get to Internet Advancement.
Y- In scoutbook. As a parent, I had access to the troop forum. Now, with admin, privileges, its gone. I am parent liaison & merit counselor. Im not trying to get to internet advancement. Im trying to get to the unit forum.
@TeresaMoeller, the link you provided is to the Troop Forum for Troop 88 in the San Francisco Bay Area Council. Is that not your Troop? If that is the correct forum, then there si nothing else you need to do.
why’re we talking about Internet Advancement?
is there not the private Troop Forum under one of the Scouting Forum categories?
I didn’t recall any need to “activate” that through IA. am I missing something here? I like the new Scouting Forum. however, for the purposes of serving as a private Forum on a unit level, that’s a bit complicate for some/most parents comparing to the old format (you only need to switch a button to scribe to it and start receiving notifications for anything new from there). Scoutbook should consider keeping the private Troop Forum setting within Scoutbook.
Scoutbook LIte/Internet Advancement 2.0 is apparently now labelled “Internet Advancement” at http://scoutbook.scouting.org
BSA also appears to be adding new online service products under the scouting.org internet domain, for example, jira.scouting.org, the new help desk ticket management service.
The private troop forum is not automatically activated for units that did not use the old troop forum. The switch to activate it is in the new Internet Advancement.