Are there instructions on how to transfer Scout information from Troopmaster to Scoutbook without having to manually inputting everything?
What Scout information are you trying to transfer?
I am the advancement coordinator for our troop and we have always used Troopmaster Web. Now we would like to use Scoutbook . So I would have all advancements, merit badge, service, camping etc. that would need to be transferred into Scoutbook.
Mary Gillis
@MaryGillis - if the advancement has been reported to council it should already be in scoutbook. You can first verify at, then log into and see what is there.
If you kept Internet Advancement 2.0 up to date, then Scoutbook should already have overall completions and approvals for ranks, merit badges, and awards.
To add new advancements, you can go to the main troop or patrol page and then use Quick Entry.
Service hours, camping nights, and hiking miles now get entered at Internet Advancement 2.0.
If they have not already done so, ask one of your Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) to go to my.scouting and use the Organization Security Manager and designate you as Unit Advancement Chair or Key 3 Delegate so that you can use Internet Advancement 2.0. (Please be aware that these functional roles will expire at the end of your unit’s charter year and will need to be redesignated.)
When adding activities using IA 2.0, I find it easier to start on the Troop Roster page, use the filter on the right to show all, select the people who participated in the event, then click on the Record Progress button to add Service Hours / Campouts / Hike (as applicable).
There is a help document and video at the following link:
I can see the scout names but when I pull up individual reports not all rank information is updated as it is in Troopmaster Web. Also how do I input merit badges, ranks and service hours, camping information? I’ve played around in Scoutbooks but can’t figure out input side of it.
Mary Gillis
In Scoutbook, if you are a Troop Admin, then you should be able to go to your main Troop page, and then click on Quick Entry. Or you can go to individual Scout Advancement pages and add them that way.
Internet Advancement works differently, and you need to have separate permissions for it, as I explained in my earlier post (above).
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